The Department of Consumer Affairs (the “Department”), is in the process of revising all of its current regulations. To that effect, it is aimingto adopt a regulation in which all previous repeals of regulations are consolidated and, in addition, all other regulations that are no longerjustifi ed to maintain valid – given lack of use, lack of subject matter jurisdiction, or incompatibility with the current public policy – are repealed.
As such, the proposed Regulation for the Repeal of Regulations of the Department of Consumer Affairs, will consolidate the following regulations:
1. Order for the Repeal of Administrative Order No. P-1 regarding Price Labeling of Groceries, Regulation No. 486 of February 3, 1958.
2. Order for the Suspension of Price Regulation No. 5 regarding Tele-receptors, Parts and Repair Services of Tele-receptors and Installationof Antennas for Tele-receptors in Puerto Rico, Regulation No. 524 of August 11, 1958.
3. Order for the Repeal of Price Regulation No. 2 which establishes maximum prices for the sale of cigarettes in Puerto Rico, Regulation No. 831 of March 28, 1963.
4. Order for the Repeal of Order P-14 which fi xes prices in the agreements for maintenance and repair services of elevators, Regulation No. 2891 of July 16, 1982.
5. Order for the Repeal of the Order Prohibiting Exporting Rice to any Country Outside Puerto Rico, Regulation No. 3050 of November 7, 1983.
6. Order 94-3 for the Repeal of Orders and Regulations of the Department of Consumer Affairs, Regulation No. 5089 of June 24, 1994.
7. Order 95-02 regarding New Model for Economic Development, Regulation No. 5230 of March 5, 1995.
8. Order 96-02 to Repeal Several Regulations, Regulation No. 5473 of September 4, 1996.
9. Order 97-03 to Repeal Several Regulations, Regulation No. 5691 of September 19, 1997.
10. Regulation for the Repeal of the Regulation of Prices of Laundry Services, Regulation No. 6015 of September 14, 1999.
In addition, the proposed Regulation would repeal the following regulations:
1. Administrative Order No. P-2: reports required to rice brokers. Regulation No. 572 of June 10, 1959.
2. Order to set forth the capacities, dimensions, and tolerances for the measurements used to determine the task of recollection of coffee, Regulation No. 799 of September 13, 1962.
3. Regulation for the establishment of maximum fees for credit service in the installment retail sale of home electric appliances which wouldbe 13% annually, Regulation No. 1120 of August 21, 1967.
4. Administrative Order No. P-2, Amendment 1: requires every retail rice seller to submit a report at close of business in Friday of each month, Regulation No. 1122 of August 21, 1967.
5. Administrative Order No. S-3: requires a quarterly inventory of coffee to each roaster, exporter, and operator of a coffee processing plant, Regulation No. 1466 of July 21, 1971.
6. Price Regulation No. 17, Amendment 6: price control of refi ned sugar in all levels of distribution and marketing, Regulation No. 1897 of January 13, 1975.
7. Regulation for the concession of economic aide to consumer organizations in Puerto Rico, Regulation No. 1926 of April 24, 1975.
8. Regulation for the election through referendum of the consumer representatives to the Governing Board of the Telephones Authority, Regulation No. 1957 of June 27, 1975.
9. Regulation of Prices 36, Amendment 1: price controls of meat, pork, and poultry, Regulation No. 1973 of August 1, 1975.
10. Regulation of Prices No. 42, Amendment 1: sets forth price controls of brewed coffee, Regulation No. 2183 of November 26, 1976.
11. Amendment 1 to Regulation 1926 which provides economic aide to consumer organizations in Puerto Rico, Regulation No. 2211 of April 30, 1976.
12. Regulation for Information to Citizens regarding Security of Data Bases, Regulation No. 7207 of August 24, 2006.
13. Regulation to Establish the Procedure for Registration for the Tax Exemption Program for the Acquisition of Already Existing Homes and New Construction Homes, Regulation No. 7438 of December 17, 2007.
14. Regulation to Establish the Procedure for Registration and Redemption of the Vouchers Program for the Acquisition of Water-Heating Solar Panels, Regulation No. 7588 of October 22, 2008.
This notice is published in acc ordance with the pertinent provisions of Act No. 5 of April 23, 1973, as amended, also referred to as the “Organic Act of the Department of Consumer Affairs”, and Act No. 38-2017, also referred to as the “Uniform Administrative Procedure Act of the Government of Puerto Rico”. The draft of the proposed regulation will be available for inspection by the public in the Central Office of the Department in the Minillas Government Center, De Diego Avenue, North Tower, 8th Floor, in Santurce or through Any person interested in submitting commentary to the proposed regulation, may do so – on or before thirty (30) days after the publication of this Notice – by presenting a written copy of such commentary in the Central Office of the Department, from Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm or send a copy to PBELLO@DACO.PR.GOV. All commentary submitted during such period, will be argued in an oral hearing to be celebrated on January 31, 2019 in the Central Office of the Department at 9:30am. Any person interested in requesting the celebration of an additional oral hearing, may submit such request promptly in the Central Office of the Department and must include the basis under which the oral hearing should be allowed. A copy of this notice will also be available at